8 tips to boost your video conversion rate

8 tips to boost your video conversion rate

A conversion rate tracks the proportion of users who successfully execute a desired action. Your video conversion rate is the proportion of viewers of your videos who, out of all viewers, achieve a desired result (a conversion). Those that include video have conversion rates of 4.8% (as opposed to 2,9% for those that don’t). Videos boost click-through rates by 65% and reduce unsubscribe rates by 26%.

Why social video conversion rate is important?

Social video conversion rate links your team’s efforts to more significant business objectives like purchases, product launches, partnerships, and client acquisition, which helps illustrate social video’s return on investment (ROI). It is a useful method for assessing the effectiveness of various advertising channels. Conversion rates are important when operating mobile user acquisition campaigns since they allow you to gauge the performance of each one.

Why track your video conversion rate?

You can gauge your web pages and applications’ performance by tracking conversion rates. Knowing what percentage of your users accomplishes the goals that drive your business will help you evaluate the success of your website or app and identify areas that need improvement. You can measure the ROI of your video marketing efforts by analyzing these data and seeing the direct effect your films have on your conversions and sales.

Knowing your video conversion rate helps you efficiently allocate resources and judge your marketing approach.

8 tips to boost your video conversion rate

The following are the top 8 tips to boost your video conversion rate:

  1. Add live chat

If website visitors don’t buy from you, they can be uncertain or worried about your goods or services. To avoid losing potential clients, consider integrating live chat into your website. Your customer care or sales representatives can ease the worries of potential customers by using live chat. It facilitates the decision-making process for the client. At this time, consumer communication is essential and effective. About 44% of online shoppers consider customer service a website’s most important characteristic when purchasing.

  1. Make your video short and immediately entertaining

Over time, your viewers grow bored. It is not a mind-blowing discovery, but it is obvious that many companies make their marketing movies WAY too long. Just watch the 30-second video down below. People are initially rather interested in the video, even replaying some parts of it (in red), but as it progresses, interest wanes. Towards the finish, considerably less people are watching than at the beginning. Keep your content as brief as possible to get the most engagement.

Consider starting your video with the most significant content to increase your video conversion rate.

  1. Cross-promote and optimize the distribution channel

By promoting them on other channels, you may maximize the video conversion rate of your YouTube. For example, by using email marketing campaigns, firms can publish a video in their newsletter rather than reading about how to register for an event or new product updates. Try embedding videos on your company’s homepage, landing pages, product pages, and blog posts. Embedded videos will raise your view count, pleasing the YouTube algorithm and broadening your audience.

  1. Increase trust and remove friction

If users don’t trust your brand or encounter friction during the conversion process, they won’t convert. How, then, can you foster more trust? You can employ several strategies, such as money-back guarantees, frequent content updates and making the website simple. If you hadn’t updated your website in the past two years or there are many broken links, there will be tension and mistrust. You might provide team biographies so your audience knows who is providing the content.

  1. Send personalized videos to prospects

Sending customized videos to prospects via email is another strategy for accelerating the sales process and increasing the video conversion rate. Most of the time, salespeople struggle to acquire leads on the phone for the first half of the day. They reply to one email, maybe accept a call, but after that, nothing. Not only does this produce a more individualized and human sales experience, but it also gives the lead the impression that you genuinely care.

It greatly increases the likelihood that they will be open to discussing your products or solutions.

  1. Do A/B testing

You can get important information about how your audience uses your website or app by conducting A/B testing. You can use this information to understand what works and what doesn’t and to guide your decision-making as you consider ways to raise your conversion rates. It’s a method that lets you contrast two variations of a website or app’s content to see which works better regarding video conversion rate.

With A/B testing, you can make little adjustments to your website or app and then track the results to see how well they perform.

  1. Set up a sales funnel

Your conversion rates can occasionally be slowed by asking for the sale (or registration, or whatever) too soon. People may not be psychologically prepared, “just browsing,” or in a rush to purchase. People need more time before deciding the more expensive and sophisticated the product is. In many situations, all you need to do is take your time and create a sales funnel to establish relationships, gain trust, and establish your competence.

Before requesting a purchase, present results and value, contact them again, move them closer to the point of sale, and get their email address.

  1. Sharpen your CTAs

After videos, a call to action is customary; however, by making a few adjustments, your CTAs will shine. Consider inserting your CTAs at a key point to increase your video conversion rate, like the beginning or soon after you impart a pearl of wisdom, and monitor how your audience reacts. Giving spoken CTAs on videos is a good idea. Still, you can make your request more persuasive by combining it with a directional indication.