12 PPC campaign tips for better ROI

12 PPC campaign tips for better ROI

According to a Hannapin Marketing 2019 study, about 79 per cent of marketers say they have benefitted hugely from the PPC campaign. 

Time and time again, PPC ads have proven as an essential marketing strategies for all eCommerce and Service-based businesses. You want your business to stay on top? 

Then you need more advanced PPC campaign tips and tricks to help you boost your ROI. Running a PPC campaign creates better brand awareness among your potential clients, increasing engagement, traffic and sales. So, today, we have compiled some of the top 12 PPC tips and tricks to help boost your revenues. 

Stay tuned! 

1. Use Ads Extension to Your Advantage 


Adding ads extension to your Google ads increases the ability for your potential customers to engage with your business.


Well, using proper and ads extensions on your PPC campaigns has a huge impact on your ROI, leading to increased revenues. The best part about placing an extension is it keeps away unwanted clicks, making your ads stick out leading to more clicks and engagement from potential clients. 


So, use ad extensions according to your business needs regarding Calls, Seller Ratings, Products, etc., and test out what works for you. Then, use that to your advantage to increase your ROI. 


2. Pay attention to your Landing Page


Remember, your home page is not your landing page. Optimising your landing page is one of the best ways to gain more ROI. As always, having a well-optimised landing page gives users a better UI/ UX experience, leading to a seamless engagement and conversion. So, whether a purchased, sign-up, or any other activities.


Also, ensure that your landing page message aligns with your ad’s message. A good landing page means a clear message about what products or services you are offering to your customers. 


3. Ensure to Make an Irresistible Offer


What do you do when you find an ad offering a good discount?


Well, make your offer so good that potential customers feel the need to leverage or sign up for your products or services. Apart from just making an offer, ensure that you give value to your customers. 


Grab your customer’s attention to click on your ads and give a hint on what to expect after they sign up or purchase. Provide a clear and distinctive CTA and contact details for further information. 


4. Optimise Your Keywords Constantly


Optimise your keyword selection and strategies when looking for ways to increase your ROI. Also, go ahead and incorporate all the relevant search terms, plus add negative keywords to keep away unwanted clicks. 


Focus on continuously updating your keywords will help attract more conversions, leading to an increase in ROI. 


5. Make Your PPC Campaign Localised


Localising your PPC campaigns means limiting the amount of customers clicking your advertisement, particularly for that region only. A great way to target or exclude a particular region or territory while creating Google ads is through the help of Google Adwords. Here, it enables you to make your ads location-specific. 


6. Utilise Negative Keywords


When running a PPC campaign, you must use negative keywords, too, to avoid irrelevant clicks from your ads. It also ensures that your Google campaign reaches the right audiences at the right time. So, it means there is no wastage of budget on running unnecessary ads. Rather, it maximises your reach to the target audience. 


7. Go for Long-Tailed Keywords


Do you want a higher conversion rate with an improvement in ROI?


The best way to do this is to go for long-tailed keywords. Utilising a long-tailed keyword helps attract the kind of customers on the verge of making a purchase or signing up for your services. So, go ahead and use keyword research tools to help you in your search for long-tailed keywords. 


8. Do Testing for Improvement


Behind every successful PPC campaign is the proper testing and analysis. So, ensure to test your data and run a test to help you understand and improve your ads.

All you can do is run all your ads simultaneously, see which works the best, and ensure that you evaluate your Ads’ quality score and CTR. So, experiment with your ad’s different font styles, text, images and even colour themes. 


9. Pay Attention to Impressions Share


What is your impression share? Are you getting a high rate of impression?


If so, you are not spending the right budget for your competing keywords. Another issue can be your site needs to be ranked in the Google search results. So, ensure that you are spending the right budget on your PPC campaigns to increase your impression share to boost your ROI. 


10. Choosing the Right Advertising Platform 


Before running your ads, analyse and understand which advertising platform is right for you. You can run your PPC campaign on Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. If you find that one particular platform performs better, spend your budget more on that platform. 


11. Running Your Ads at the Right Time


Picking the right ads schedule is crucial if you are looking forward to showing your ads to the right audience at the right time. For instance, if you are running a B2B campaign, ensure you run your PPC ads during business hours. 


12. Use Device Targeting Carefully 


If you are running PPC campaigns, ensure that you run them on computers, tablets, and mobile. If there is any improvement needed, improve your ads according to different devices and make them user-friendly. 


A well-designed landing page, fonts, colour, and themes can retain potential customers. Do you want to boost your ROI?


Then pay attention to ads by making them user-friendly for all devices. 




To conclude, if you are looking for ways to boost your ROI through a PPC Campaign, ensure that you follow all the tips and tricks above.  


Get professional help to run successful Google ads that increase traffic, leads, and conversion.