Google Updates Core Web Vitals With Interaction To Next Paint (INP) On March 12

Google Updates Core Web Vitals With Interaction To Next Paint (INP) On March 12

In an online world, every company with a website is trying to rank on the top of SERPs; ensure you meet the demands of Interaction to Next Paint. 

Google Search Advocate John Mueller mentioned SEO that Google planned to update Core Web Vitals at least once a year. 

So, the Google updates on Core Web Vitals are to give users a pleasant and more secure page experience than ever before.

This time, Google announced the replacement of First Input Delay (FID) with a new feature called Interaction to Next Paint as a Core Web Vital metric by March 12. 

To better understand Interaction to Next Paint, how it will affect your Web, and how to manage it through this blog! 

What is Interaction to Next Paint (INP)?

Interactive to Next Paint is a new Core Web Vitals metric that Google is introducing to measure how your website users react while interacting with your websites in the coming month. 

It means noting how quickly your website responds when a customer or user clicks the button. To give users visual feedback as soon as possible, INP focuses on the interval between user-initiated events and the painting of the subsequent frame. It aims to stop the next paint time at that precise moment by preventing the page from giving consumers the impression that it is unresponsive by reducing visual feedback delays.

So, measuring your page responsiveness becomes crucial. INP serves this purpose by continuously evaluating how quickly your site reacts when a user clicks on it. 

How Interaction To Next Paint is Different from the First Input Delay (FID)?

The Web Core Vitals metrics, the First Input Delay (FID) and Interaction to Next Paint (INP) measure user interaction and engagement on a webpage. However, some differences keep these metrics apart. 

Let's take a look! 

1. Complexity of Your WebPage 

INP is crucial when evaluating your user experience on complex websites with numerous interactions and dynamic content. 

What this Google update does is allow developers to find out which issues are compromising your website's responsiveness and overall engagement. 

Meanwhile, FID is suitable for websites with straightforward interactions or where user engagement primarily depends on users receiving quick responses to their initial actions. Regarding less complex sites, FID provides crucial insights into the initial user experience, assisting developers to optimise for a positive experience. 

2. Aims on Your User Experience 

INP focuses on the time interval between a user's interaction and the subsequent paint. It analyses and shows how soon your user can see something happening after interacting with your website. Well, all these measures are to determine the responsiveness of your website. 

FID, however, measures how responsive your page is from when a user interacts with it for the first time until the browser can react. However, it would help if you remembered that it may be affected by other processes the browser conducts simultaneously. 

3. Event Capturing vs. Visual Rendering

Here, both the Core Web Vitals metrics are different. 

Interaction To Next Paint assesses visual stability monitors and layout stability-related events, including element placement and picture loading on your site.

On the other hand, FID records the time required to process your user activities, such as clicks and taps.

4. Evaluating Your Webpage 

Well, INP gives you an overview of your user interactions with your site, which means considering various elements and components affecting the user interactions. 

However, when it comes to FID, it only considers your user's first impression of how responsive your website is. 

What is a Good Interaction to Next Paint (INP) Score?

You want your website to be responsive and for your users to have the best experience while interacting with your site. So, to make it more user-friendly, Google updates the Web Core Vital metrics by replacing the First Input Delay (FID) with Interactive of Next Paint by March 12 2024. 

To determine whether your site is user-friendly and responsive, measure the 75% of page load recorded across mobile and desktop devices. 

Here's how to find out! 

If your INP is below or at 200 milliseconds, your page has good responsiveness. However, above 200 milliseconds or at 500 milliseconds, you need to improve your website responsiveness. On the other hand, if your website is above 500 milliseconds, then it needs better responsiveness.

Image Credit: Web.Dev

How do you optimise your web core vital metrics interaction of Next Paint?

Here are the top tips to optimise your INP more effectively for a seamless user experience. Stay tuned! 

1. Optimising Your Java Execution 

Ensure your JavaScript code is fast and only takes a little while to respond. You can use modern JavaScript features, shrink your code, and avoid unnecessary extras. 

2. Using Web Workers 

Are you looking to improve your website responsiveness and improve the site's interactive speed score?

The best answer is to use web workers, especially if you have a heavy task in your code. 

3. Optimising Your Media & Images

Another lousy user experience and unresponsive site could be due to extensive media and image size. So, resize and compress your website images to speed up your website loading time. 

4. Giving Importance to Critical Rendering Path

So, regarding how responsive your website is, it is crucial to consider the vital parts of your site, like the text and navigation. You can organise it to avoid slow loading time. 

5. Optimising Your CSS (Styling Code) 

Another crucial thing to remember while optimising for Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is to ensure your CSS is small and efficient. It is because when you use complicated animations, you invite a slow-loading website. All you want to do is Avoid it!

6. Regularly Test and Monitor Your Webpage Loading Speed

Monitor your website's loading speed regularly with tools like Lighthouse or PageSpeed Insights. Test how it interacts with real-time users, especially on different devices and networks, to fix any issues. 


To conclude, as Google Updates on Web Core Vital metrics on replacing First Input Delay (FID) with Interaction of Next Paint (INP), developers need to verify their website is in alignment with the new updates. 

So, ensure your web developers are studying how your website is performing and taking the necessary steps to optimise all the areas. Moreover, interactivity is becoming crucial to stay on top of SERPs and for better engagement, so ensure your web developers prepare for a smooth changeover.

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